Episode 29: The Public Utility Commission of Texas

The Public Utility Commission of Texas regulates electricity, telecommunications, and water markets in Texas. Though nowhere near as bad as their federal counterparts, PUCT bureaucrats still can’t keep their hands out of markets–and consumers’ pocketbooks. This week on the Liberty Café, we examine the effects of the PUCT’s intervention on markets in Texas–particularly the electricity market.

Episode 16: No Future for Renewable Energy

Renewable energy disappeared almost overnight from the Western world once we could afford to build the infrastructure needed to benefit from reliable and affordable coal, oil, and natural gas. On this week’s Liberty Café, we discuss how renewable energy will disappear once again if Texans, Americans, and citizens across the world are willing stop their governments from giving billions of their tax dollars to banks and businesses with multi-billion dollar market caps in the form of renewable energy subsidies.

Episode 5: The Renewable Energy Culture is on the Wrong Side of Liberty

Don’t believe the slick marketing of the renewable energy industry. “Wind and solar energy are [not] cheaper to produce than that generated from coal or even natural gas.” And never will be. Which why industry participants will spend whatever it takes to force American taxpayers and consumers to continue to fork out more than $9 billion this year to subsidize them.