Episode 23: How Politicians Keep Secrets; Part 1

Politicians love power. However, most of them understand that “Power to the Politician” is not a very good campaign slogan. This week on Episode 23 of the Liberty Café, we talk with local government expert and liberty lover James Quintero with the Texas Public Policy Foundation about how politicians keep secrets and what can done to get information–and power–back to the people.

Episode 22: What President Trump and the Houston Astros Have in Common

A recent conversation with friends helped me to see more clearly the connection between the Houston Astros and President Donald Trump: liberals hate them both. And as a result we get a lot of fake news about each of them. This week on the Liberty Café we explore what that means for the upcoming presidential election. Hint: do not lose hope.

Episode 21: Church/State and Trump/Biden

A lot of folks may find theological debates within the church boring and not worth their time. But what happens in the church is a pretty good predictor of what is going to happen in the culture. Put another way, if the church caves to worldly wisdom, it is a good bet that that the rest of society will soon follow. We draw the lines between church and state–and Trump and Biden–in this week’s edition of The Liberty Café.

Episode 18: Why I am Still Voting for Trump

In 2016 I did not vote for Donald Trump. But after watching him for almost two years, I decided I would do so in 2018. There are still those out there, though, who are considering not voting for him in 2020 for some of the same reasons I did not four years ago. While I understand where many of them might be coming from, I believe now more than ever that a vote for Trump in 2020 might be part of God’s means for restoring a God-fearing future for America.

Defunding the Public Schools

Most Americans have been rightfully battling the left to reopen the economy and our lives. But perhaps we should rethink the current push to reopen the public schools, which have produced one new generation after another “who [do] not know the LORD or the work that he [has] done.” Instead of defunding the police, it is time that conservatives and Christians work to defund and eliminate public education.

Episode 16: No Future for Renewable Energy

Renewable energy disappeared almost overnight from the Western world once we could afford to build the infrastructure needed to benefit from reliable and affordable coal, oil, and natural gas. On this week’s Liberty Café, we discuss how renewable energy will disappear once again if Texans, Americans, and citizens across the world are willing stop their governments from giving billions of their tax dollars to banks and businesses with multi-billion dollar market caps in the form of renewable energy subsidies.